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Microsoft Windows Support

Rastergraf provides software drivers for the Windows operating systems. Windows-compatible Rastergraf graphics boards include the AgatePXC, MerlinPXC, MerlinMTX, and TopazPMC.

Note that limitations in the TopazPMC BIOS impose restrictions on the Topaz Windows driver such that you cannot mix different graphics controllers on one system. Thus, if you have a "console" display (i.e. built-in graphics controller), it must be disabled before installing the Topaz board. Please contact Rastergraf for if you have any questions.

Multiple Display Support under Windows

Microsoft's Window environment does not allow multiple, unrelated displays (desktops). Any display screen attached to a single computer is part of a single desktop, and the rules of the desktop apply to the entire display array. This means that desktop toolbars, icons, and all properties (appearance, background, screensaver) are common to all screens, and follow all applicable Windows protocols.

For example, if two screens are stacked vertically, the toolbar strip must be at the sides, at the top of the top screen, or at the bottom of the bottom screen. It can not reside at the top of the bottom screen, for example.

Windows XP

Windows XP provides support for multiple displays within the operating system. The TopazPMC, AgatePXC, MerlinPXC, and MerlinMTX are supported on XP.

Windows 7

AgatePXC, MerlinPXC, and MerlinMTX are supported.

Windows 10

Only the
MerlinPXC and MerlinMTX are supported.

The AgatePXC will run but only as a single screen and it uses the Windows dumb frame buffer driver. 

Locating Supported Windows Drivers for Agate and Merlin 

Go to this link, find the Manually Select Your Driver; then:

Step 1: Select the type of product you have:

Select Embedded Graphics from the drop-down

Step 2: Select the product family your product belongs to:

 Select Radeon Embedded from the drop-down

Step 3: Select your product:

 Select E4690 (for Agate) or E8860 (for Merlin) from the drop-down

Step 4: Select the supported operating system that you have:

 Select an appropriate version of Windows or Linux

Step 5: Click on DISPLAY RESULTS






Feature Summary

  • OpenGL support
  • DirectX
  • Multiple display support
  • Video Capture support
  • USB support


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