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PMC and/or XMC/VITA 42.3 to PCIe Adapter Board
with PIM Rear I/O Beakout


Available Q1 2019

  • XMC Pn5 has x1, x2, x4, and x8
    PCI Express 1.1/2.0 (PCIe) compatibility
  • PMC Pn1-Pn3 supports 32/64-bit PCI/PCI-X at up to 133 MHz
  • Test Points and Power and Status LEDs
  • XMC Pn6 follows VITA 46.9 X8d+X12d+X38s
  • PMC Pn4 follows VITA 46.9 P64s 


  • Eases debugging of XMC and PMC


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The PMF-E is a single site PMC and/or XMC/VITA 42.3 (PCI Express) to PCIe adapter board. It is a dual mode board that can support a PMC, XMC, or PMC/XMC board. A set of multiplexers switch between XMC and PMC mode, set by a user switch.

For XMC connections, it supports a x1, x2, x4, or x8 XMC/VITA 42.3 board module to be plugged into a PCIe running at PCIe 1.1 or 2.0. XMC boards with a x8 PCIe width on Pn5 can also be installed but only a x4 path is supported.

For PMC connections, it supports a 32 or 64-bit PMC link running at 33-133MHz with 5V I/O tolerant PCI signaling. The PMF-E uses a Pericom PI7C9X130 PCI Express to PCI-X Bridge to translate the PMC (PCI) signals to the PCIe bus. The PI7C9X130 has a x4 PCIe 1.1 (2.5Gb/s data rate).

The PI7C9X130 is compliant with the PCI Express Base Specification, Revision 1.1 and the PCI Express to PCI/PCI-X Bridge Specification, Revision 1.0. PI7C9X130 supports transparent and non-transparent mode of operations. PI7C9X130 configuration registers are backward compatible with standard PCI bridge software and firmware.

Pn4 (PMC) and Pn6 (XMC) rear-panel I/O connector access are both supported. Pn4 sgnals can be accessed via a standard PMC PIM (PMC I/O Module) connector. Pn6 sgnals can be accessed using an XMC connector, following the "XIM" enhancement as suggested by Extreme Engineering. Signal breakouts follow VITA 46.9.

In addition to the PIMs available for the Rastergraf AgatePXC, MerlinPXC, and MerlinMTX graphics boards, Rastergraf can supply a General Purpose Breakout PIM, the PFX-PIM, that works with both the PMF-E and PMX-P carrier boards.

To aid in debugging, the PMF-E has Test Point pins and/or LED indicators for all major on-board power sources. JTAG access is supported for both an external connector and via the PCI bus.

Jumpers allow the user to select either +5 or +12 for the XMC VPWR pins. VPWR power is limited to about 12W via a Polyswitch resettable fuse.


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